Monday 28 November 2011


History of cigarette
The earliest humans in the world that smoking is the Indian tribes in America. They smoke to revere gods or spirits. In the 16th century, when the Europeans discover the Americas, part of the European explorers following the foot steps of cigarette and then brought tobacco to Europe. Then the smoking habit among the aristocracy began to emerge in Europe. Unlike the Indians who smoke to the needs of worship, the Europeans smoke just for convenience only. In the 17th century Spanish traders to bring in cigarettes to Turkey and from now on, it continues to spread to Muslim countries.
Harmful Content in Cigarettes (fact)
Every cigarette is lit, produces more than 4000 toxic chemicals that are harmful and can be fatal. With every puff resembles a puff of death. The contents of cigarette smoke include radioactive material (polonium-201) and the materials used in the paint (acetone), floor cleaner (ammonia), mothball (naphthalene), pesticides (DDT), termite poisons (arsenic ), toxic gases (hydrogen cyanide) used in the gas chamber of death for offenders under sentence of death, and more. However, the most important poisons are Tar, Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide. Tar contains at least 43 chemicals known to cause cancer (carcinogens). Materials such as benzopyrene, a type policyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) has long been acknowledged as being the agent begins the process of creation the cancer

What is the disease that will affect smokers?
Smoking is often associated with diseases such as coronary heart disease, lung cancer, chronic brokintis emfisima. This is caused due to smoking or tobacco smoke contains 4000 toxic chemicals. Tobacco became the cause for 90% of cases kenser lung, 75% damage and emfisima chronic bronchitis, and 25% of coronary heart disease. Smoking can reduce the human physical fitness and endurance. This is because cigarette smoke  contain carbon monoxide will join hemogolobin  in the blood. This situation prevents oxygen combined with hemogolobin. . As a result of blood can not circulate oxygen around the body with efficient, especially the legs of a small artery size. Effects of smoking can also poison the respiratory system. Second-hand smoke from cigarettes can be just half a block through the bronchial airways. This obstruction can cause the volume of air drawn and exhaled at each breath. Every time a cigarette smoker, their heart rate will increase. Smokers are also more easily have high blood pressure compared with those who do not smoke.